For about 250 years from approximately 1500 to 1750 during the age of European sea exploration and colonization, about half of all sailors on long journeys would die of disease, with the primary cause being
scurvy, a horrific disease in which your gums and nose and mouth bleed and you develop open wounds all over your skin. An estimated 2 million sailors worldwide died over that time period, typically killing half of any ship crew on a long voyage. And for all that time, 250 years, the entire world could not figure out what the cause of the disease was. Not until the mid 1700s when the British noticed that eating citrus fruits prevented the disease. Of course, we now know that scurvy is caused by a deficiency in vitamin C.
As seen from the skin problems associated with scurvy, we now know that vitamin C is critical to your skin health. Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and promotes collagen production (aiding in the elasticity of skin) - and helps to prevent and heal everything from wrinkles, acne, to rashes.
This is just one notable example of how critical essential vitamins are to health, and how deficiencies in essential vitamins and nutrients is the primary cause of many diseases. Also, the case of scurvy demonstrates how slow humans are to being able to discern the true causes of disease and cure them, with it taking 250 years with scurvy. And look at how the "mainstream medical Establishment" apparently is unable to determine the true causes and cures for so many diseases still to this day, including many cancers, heart disease, etc.
The unfortunate truth is that the causes and cures to many terrible diseases such as cancer have actually been discovered over the past many decades (to be vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, and able to be cured via natural methods), but the corrupt Big Pharma-controlled medical Establishment suppresses these discovered cures, instead promoting their patented and profitable false "cures" in the form of synthetic drugs, of course to make obscene profits. There is no profit to be made by telling people the truth that their disease is caused by a vitamin or nutrient deficiency, and that it can be cured by a better diet.
There are dozens of vitamins and nutrients that are key to health, and another is Vitamin D, which is key to your immune system. Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory, has antioxidant and neuroprotective properties, support immune health, muscle function and brain cell activity. Currently, about 40% of the American population is deficient in vitamin D. The primary source of vitamin D for most humans is its production when the skin is exposed to sunlight. And one of the main reasons that people get sick more during the winter is that they are getting less sunlight exposure on their skin during that time, and therefore have lower vitamin D, and therefore a weaker immune system.
There are many studies done during the covid scamdemic that showed that vitamin D was essentially the best "drug" and treatment/cure for the Wu Flu. Now, if you do an internet search on this, you will get conflicting results, with many supposed "studies" and commie Lamestream media sources claiming to have "debunked" that vitamin D is effective at treating covid. But these are bogus, fake "studies" from Big Pharma and their allies in the Establishment media and Big Medical Industrial Complex to hide the truth, and promote their failed, fake "treatments" such as the dangerous drug Remdesivir. Remember that the biggest advertiser and funding for the Establishment Lamestream media is Big Pharma.
Here is one such study, out of Boston University, talking about how vitamin D is the best treatment for the Wu Flu:
Adequate Levels of Vitamin D Reduces Complications, Death Among COVID-19 Patients
Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vitamin D sufficient, with a blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of at least 30 ng/mL (a measure of vitamin D status), had a significant decreased risk for adverse clinical outcomes including becoming unconscious, hypoxia (body starved for oxygen) and death. In addition, they had lower blood levels of an inflammatory marker (C-reactive protein) and higher blood levels of lymphocytes (a type of immune cell to help fight infection).
"This study provides direct evidence that vitamin D sufficiency can reduce the complications, including the cytokine storm (release of too many proteins into the blood too quickly) and ultimately death from COVID-19," explained corresponding author Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics and molecular medicine.
And another article from the University of Chicago on how Vitamin D treats the Wu flu, citing a 70% reduction in viral respiratory infections among people who were vitamin D deficient, when given vitamin D treatment.
Vitamin D and COVID-19 Research
There is evidence that vitamin D may prevent or improve outcomes in many infectious and inflammatory conditions including acute and chronic respiratory infections. There is also an increasing understanding of its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory functions. A recent meta-analysis found a 70% reduction in viral respiratory tract infections among persons with vitamin D deficiency randomized to vitamin D treatment.1
The potential importance of vitamin D in the spread of COVID in the U.S. is supported by the fact that nearly half of the population is vitamin D deficient, with higher rates among persons with darker skin and/or lower sun exposure, including those living in higher latitudes in the winter, nursing home residents, and health care workers, who also have greater risk of COVID-19.1,2,3,4,5 Using data from the University of Chicago Medical Center, we provided some of the earliest evidence to support the hypothesis that vitamin D deficiency may affect COVID-19 risk, finding that patients with vitamin D deficiency that was not adequately treated were 77% more likely to test positive for COVID-19 than patients who were not likely vitamin D deficient.6,7 Several other observational analyses are in progress and will be reported on this website as they become available.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19