Harris 2024

197,817 Views | 2847 Replies | Last: 7 hrs ago by Werewolf
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Comical, if it wasn't so sad, that adults can repeatedly ignore this. It's called 'living in the matrix'.
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BBW12OG said:

Could go a few more days telling Civ and Smarpty how stupid they are and how they are a clown show.....

Pretty sure it wouldn't change a thing.

Good luck dealing with them.

I'm done.

The events of the last two weeks put things in perspective.

Dumbasses like them aren't worth the trouble.

Civ.. you are a pathetic Nancy boy.

Smarpty is a unc guy that brags about owning this board... and if Glass and the others that look at this site would pay attention they'd know it.

Letting him come on here is a joke.

Good luck to all.

I'm done with this and the rest of the drama.

I appreciate all the conversations via PMs with a few of you that I have come to know. It was great chatting with you on and off the board.

I appreciate the info from the Sports Boards.

At the end of the day... I'll continue to support NSCU and the REAL fans.

As far as the BS that is going on with the unc interjections.... well....y'all boys handle it.

Be safe... and have a good one.

Sounds like you're making some good progress with your new therapist. Keep up the good work!
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SmaptyWolf said:

Sounds like you're making some good progress with your new therapist. Keep up the good work!
All projection...once again. Commie libtards literally belong in insane asylums for believing the astronomically absurd nonsense that they have been brainwashed to believe -- such as "70 genders", "men can become women", transgender men should be able to share locker rooms and showers with 10 year old girls, "unborn children are not human beings", being able to murder your unborn child is a "sacred human right", "we are evolved monkeys on a rock flying through space after it exploded from a Big Bang", etc etc etc

YOU people are the ones who are totally delusional and detached from reality and live in a fantasy land.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Kommie-mala says that she wants "government oversight and regulation" to control free speech on social media:

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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The Democrat/Left's entire argument against Trump is completely baseless fear-mongering -- based on OUTRIGHT LIES that they're being spoonfed by their lying Marxist overlords.

This black woman on CNN claims that Trump "believes he has superior genetics to black women" and "wants to EXTERMINATE black lesbians".

Trump has NEVER said ANYTHING to support that completely baseless slander.

This is standard with Leftists when you ask why they hate Trump...they say he's a "racist", just based on the fact that he wants to stop illegal immigration or the taken out of context quote from Trump about many illegal aliens "being rapists and murderers".

Or you have complete lunatics like this woman just dreaming up false allegations against Trump, such as "he wants to exterminate black lesbians".

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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GuerrillaPack said:

The Democrat/Left's entire argument against Trump is completely baseless fear-mongering -- based on OUTRIGHT LIES that they're being spoonfed by their lying Marxist overlords.

This black woman on CNN claims that Trump "believes he has superior genetics to black women" and "wants to EXTERMINATE black lesbians".

Trump has NEVER said ANYTHING to support that completely baseless slander.

This is standard with Leftists when you ask why they hate Trump...they say he's a "racist", just based on the fact that he wants to stop illegal immigration or the taken out of context quote from Trump about many illegal aliens "being rapists and murderers".

Or you have complete lunatics like this woman just dreaming up false allegations against Trump, such as "he wants to exterminate black lesbians".


The left is obsessed with race. They literally live every day trying to find racism when THEY are the real racist.
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Kamala is losing
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Have you noticed this new tactic in the Kamala ads trying to claim that Trump's proposed tax cuts will "only benefit the rich", while Kamala is supposedly proposing tax cuts that will "benefit working people". I've heard this on the radio the past several mornings, and just saw a Kamala ad on Youtube focussing on the tax issue.

Who in the world would be fooled by this crap?

Trump is the one, for example, who first proposed a "no tax on tips" policy, and has now proposed no tax on overtime. And, of course, that is on top of other tax cutting proposals by Trump, which all benefit the working and middle class.

Since when do the communist Democrats ever propose tax cuts? They are always proposing tax increases -- such as their incessant whining and advocating to increase taxes on the "rich" and make them "pay their fair share".

Kamala doesn't truly want to cut taxes. She copied Trump's "no tax on tips", which is empty rhetoric....just like her empty rhetoric claiming to now "not be against fracking" and "not in favor of confiscation of assault weapons". She's obviously just "flip flopping" with empty rhetoric to the exact opposite of her true position on these issues, hoping she can fool a few people.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Do away with all tax incentives

Do away with corporate taxes

Go to a flat personal income tax, or..

Go to a flat consumption tax.

The divisive language on fair share of taxes is so old. The people that eat it up probably don't pay any federal taxes…
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"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Bas2020 said:

Kamala is losing
She's got two Dems that want her to lose, the Biden and Newsom.
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Bas2020 said:

Kamala is losing

What are Trump's odds of winning, today, if you had to put a number on it?
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Civilized said:

Bas2020 said:

Kamala is losing

What are Trump's odds of winning, today, if you had to put a number on it?
No clue, but her internals clearly are showing she's not getting the men vote she wants, which is why she's directly appealing to get more women.
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hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

Bas2020 said:

Kamala is losing

What are Trump's odds of winning, today, if you had to put a number on it?
No clue, but her internals clearly are showing she's not getting the men vote she wants, which is why she's directly appealing to get more women.

I don't think it's at all clear what internals are showing. Nate Silver had a great article and several X posts about this just yesterday.

We're not good at intuiting what candidate internal polling looks like, and/or internal polling is often wrong.

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hokiewolf said:

Civilized said:

Bas2020 said:

Kamala is losing

What are Trump's odds of winning, today, if you had to put a number on it?
No clue, but her internals clearly are showing she's not getting the men vote she wants, which is why she's directly appealing to get more women.

Her campaign makes no sense. It's entirely geared towards their sheep. Her biggest focus is abortion. Crazy that they think that is an electable issue for a substantive amount of independents. Hell, I think I read it's not even a top 2-3 issue for most Dems. Only to radical feminists and beta men.
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This might be the worst political ad I have ever seen.
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Can I get a "what can be unburdened by what has been"?

say it back!!

Why hasn't she been telling the voters about this recently??

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Well, there's clearly an issue that they have pinpointed based on the way theyve changed their campaign .

I know I'm not voting for Harris or Trump either but she's trying to run the Obama campaign without any of the Obama charisma, and it's not working.

This insistence to continue to make abortion the pivotal issue in this election screams I need women because men aren't voting for me.
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hokiewolf said:

Well, there's clearly an issue that they have pinpointed based on the way theyve changed their campaign .

I know I'm not voting for Harris or Trump either but she's trying to run the Obama campaign without any of the Obama charisma, and it's not working.

This insistence to continue to make abortion the pivotal issue in this election screams I need women because men aren't voting for me.
Lol, you guys sure burn a lot of calories concern trolling Harris's campaign strategy.

You think Trump is putting any effort into bringing in women or independents? Or does his nonstop stream of wackadoodle "immigrants are controlling the weather" nonsense scream "I need men because women aren't voting for me"?
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SmaptyWolf said:

Lol, you guys sure burn a lot of calories concern trolling Harris's campaign strategy.

You think Trump is putting any effort into bringing in women or independents? Or does his nonstop stream of wackadoodle "immigrants are controlling the weather" nonsense scream "I need men because women aren't voting for me"?
Wow, so you've given up parroting the Democrat talking point pseudo "believable" strawman arguments and lies against Trump...and have now moved on to outright farcical lies and strawman arguments.

This is on the level of that black woman on CNN (posted in this thread yesterday) dreaming up that Trump "said" that "he wants to exterminate black lesbians because he believes he has superior genetics to them".

"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Settle down champ, Trump hasn't changed his campaign since he started it. Harris has pivoted strategies 3 times since August. It's just an interesting observation and I wonder what is telling them to do that.

You seem to think everything is rainbows and puppies though, so i guess I'll take that into account.
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hokiewolf said:

Settle down champ, Trump hasn't changed his campaign since he started it. Harris has pivoted strategies 3 times since August. It's just an interesting observation and I wonder what is telling them to do that.

You seem to think everything is rainbows and puppies though, so i guess I'll take that into account.

Not at all. You just seem determined to find a "campaign in disarray" narrative from Tucker's tea leaves. I just don't see it. I do see Trump amping up his craziness with each passing week, which you could certainly argue is desperation. I guess you're beyond noticing that?
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This is a nice video. On Shawn Ryan's show, he was talking with two guys who look like they are ex military. They told him that the North Carolina National Guard loaded a C-17 with hurricane supplies for a photo op for Harris. The supplies were never delivered.

Being an N. C. State fan builds great character!
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SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

Settle down champ, Trump hasn't changed his campaign since he started it. Harris has pivoted strategies 3 times since August. It's just an interesting observation and I wonder what is telling them to do that.

You seem to think everything is rainbows and puppies though, so i guess I'll take that into account.

Not at all. You just seem determined to find a "campaign in disarray" narrative from Tucker's tea leaves. I just don't see it. I do see Trump amping up his craziness with each passing week, which you could certainly argue is desperation. I guess you're beyond noticing that?
What exactly has Trumped changed since 2016? It's the same schtick down to the stupid dance he does. Trump doesn't need to redefine himself, he's Popeye at this point. He is what he is. There's no change in strategy by Trump that's going to change voters minds. You're either voting for him or not voting for him. He's going to be 45-46% all day.

Harris is the one who needs to find votes in places and people who would be hesitant to vote for her. Waltz ain't helping her, and neither is her husband. Neither are relatable to other men outside of the progressive bubble.
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I am not sure if shes aware of it, but this already exists. Its called Congress
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FlossyDFlynt said:

I am not sure if shes aware of it, but this already exists. Its called Congress

lol. She's such an idiot.
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packgrad said:

FlossyDFlynt said:

I am not sure if shes aware of it, but this already exists. Its called Congress

lol. She's such an idiot.
And all the scarier for it.
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hokiewolf said:

SmaptyWolf said:

hokiewolf said:

Settle down champ, Trump hasn't changed his campaign since he started it. Harris has pivoted strategies 3 times since August. It's just an interesting observation and I wonder what is telling them to do that.

You seem to think everything is rainbows and puppies though, so i guess I'll take that into account.

Not at all. You just seem determined to find a "campaign in disarray" narrative from Tucker's tea leaves. I just don't see it. I do see Trump amping up his craziness with each passing week, which you could certainly argue is desperation. I guess you're beyond noticing that?
What exactly has Trumped changed since 2016? It's the same schtick down to the stupid dance he does. Trump doesn't need to redefine himself, he's Popeye at this point. He is what he is. There's no change in strategy by Trump that's going to change voters minds. You're either voting for him or not voting for him. He's going to be 45-46% all day.

Harris is the one who needs to find votes in places and people who would be hesitant to vote for her. Waltz ain't helping her, and neither is her husband. Neither are relatable to other men outside of the progressive bubble.

Yes, finding votes in places and people who would be hesitant to vote for you is called "campaigning". What Trump is doing is in fact profoundly abnormal, but you're trying to convince us that what Harris is doing is in fact strange/desperate/whatever? Hmmm, there's a word for that. Rhymes with ass-lighting.

Regardless, even within the context of being a one-trick pony Trump has definitely amped up the crazy to levels he's never reached previously. Kicking out legal immigrants, who are "poisoning the blood of America"? Lol, Jesus. I guess his plan is keep shifting MAGA toward full on Third Reich by November 5? For some reason.

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I think Trump campaigning in Southern California and NYC - Democrat Heartland - nullifies your argument here. The big difference is he is willing to go against the grain and address groups and answer questions on the fly. Harris sticks to script and friendly allies. And, she still screws up - so much so that CBS has to alter her responses. Again, you worry about Trump while the candidate you support represents what is the real threat to this country and it's system of government!
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Harris's drug cost cap is not what is seems to be:


"Under the Inflation Reduction Act, which was intended to cap out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, insurers are poised to significantly hike monthly premiums, with average bids for Part D plans expected to triple by 2025.

In response to potential voter backlash, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rolled out a three-year "demonstration project" to subsidize these premiums, aiming to keep them artificially low."
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