The Biden Administration..V3

905,603 Views | 10736 Replies | Last: 13 hrs ago by Werewolf
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For some damn reason I like Civ.........I pinch myself. I know he's a well-intentioned dude. Gaslighted to the max..........a lot of smart people are. Retaining MSM disinformation they do well.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

No pissing contest, Civ and Hoak are hard to catch.......that's all. Folly for my time but if you enjoy it, go for it. You're on the right side!!!!
You know… I'm not trying to catch them. For me, it's all about the debate. I don't have any expectations to change their mind; rather, I have fun. People have different world views, and I understand that. People discern information differently, and I understand that. Understanding something doesn't mean I agree; rather, it makes me scratch my head…
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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Werewolf said:

Several data mining firms report that Biden's actual approval #'s are between 9 and 9.5%.

Don't let the NY Times poll and others fool ya with a Biden and Trump neck n neck at 45% or therabouts.

Snopes and other fact checker sites, however, support the NY Times #'s. Have we learned anything yet?

Were c'mon dude.

Even if you don't believe MSM sources there are plenty of non-MSM sources reporting polling data that run completely counter to this BS.

Also this makes zero rational sense.

No sitting President in history has polled anywhere close to single digits. Party affiliation alone in a two-party system prevents this.

Trump was the most divisive president in American history and his low approval rating was in the mid-30's after the tried to crown himself king.

George W Bush I think had the lowest in history, in the mid-20's, after the country fell into the worst downturn since the Great Depression.

9% for a sitting President is effectively impossible.
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If you were alone in your climate issue views, that issue would actually BE an issue with the voters…..instead it's so far down the list of voter priorities, it's nearly out of sight.
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Data mining is predicting things that are happening each day. The timeframe is often off.......and has been slower to occurr than faster. Anyway, you guys proceed. I'm not here to debate as I see it as wasting time for the most part. As it has been said "The people must be SHOWN the truth......they cannot merely be TOLD. That's what is underway now. Watch this Cabal takedown go down.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Civilized said:

Werewolf said:

Several data mining firms report that Biden's actual approval #'s are between 9 and 9.5%.

Don't let the NY Times poll and others fool ya with a Biden and Trump neck n neck at 45% or therabouts.

Snopes and other fact checker sites, however, support the NY Times #'s. Have we learned anything yet?

Were c'mon dude.

Even if you don't believe MSM sources there are plenty of non-MSM sources reporting polling data that run completely counter to this BS.

Also this makes zero rational sense.

No sitting President in history has polled anywhere close to single digits. Party affiliation alone in a two-party system prevents this.

Trump was the most divisive president in American history and his low approval rating was in the mid-30's after the tried to crown himself king.

George W Bush I think had the lowest in history, in the mid-20's, after the country fell into the worst downturn since the Great Depression.

9% for a sitting President is effectively impossible.

"Never underestimate Joes ability to F something up"

-President Obama
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Food 4 thought....does this really belong in the Biden thread? A world-wide exercise...looks like it is for 10 days too.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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This will only make commie libtards support the Biden regime even more!! Because they are morally degenerate sacks of horse dung as well, who celebrate mass murdering unborn children and corrupting and grooming children for pedophiles at drag queen shows. They love that the President's son is a wh0remonger who smokes crack on camera with prostitutes! Hunter is a person after their own heart!

It's so wonderful to have an anti-American crime family installed with a rigged election, to deliberately destroy the country via communism, ripping the Bill of Rights to shreds, persecuting political opposition on trumped up charges, collapse the border, blatantly taking bribes from foreign governments, foam at the mouth every day to take away our guns, etc.

This is great!
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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packofwolves said:
Yeah... BUT...

NONE of the transfers have "Joe Biden's" name on them so he's innocent....
Big Bad Wolf. OG...2002

"The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
- Thomas Jefferson
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but.......but ........but ........TRUUUUUMP@!
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Stormie, I remember REAL JOE, how bout you? You gonna be eatin' crow and crow feathers...just a matter of time til you cannot deny. Just like Big Mike!!

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Ole Stormie has been quiet for a qood bit lately. Could he be waking up......and doesn't want to admit it? Hey Stormie, you might want to jump on board with the truth........don't be one of the last to awake with the Hoaks and Sieves of the world.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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^ If you are asking if I've "come around" to now believing that Joe Biden is someone else in a mask, or that Michelle Obama is really a man disguised as a woman - that answer is "no".

BTW Were... who else around here has actually agreed here with you on those two points of yours?

I'm not even sure that GP has copped wide open yet to that stance of yours (but maybe he has, and I just don't care enough to pay attention to such foolishness, when there are so many more important battles to focus on that are real).

I paid $3.86 / Gallon for mid-grade down here on the coast yesterday... that is something that we all should be pissed about that is actually real.
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TheStorm said:

^ If you are asking if I've "come around" to now believing that Joe Biden is someone else in a mask, or that Michelle Obama is really a man disguised as a woman - that answer is "no".

BTW Were... who else around here has actually agreed here with you on those two points of yours?

I'm not even sure that GP has copped wide open yet to that stance of yours (but maybe he has, and I just don't care enough to pay attention to such foolishness, when there are so many more important battles to focus on that are real).

I paid $3.86 / Gallon for mid-grade down here on the coast yesterday... that is something that we all should be pissed about that is actually real.
Storm, I was at the coast, this past weekend, with friends. The wife is a big Q person. She was all over the Michelle Obama story about her being a man. She did show me some videos, of people (prevalent people) saying Michele was a man. That said, regardless of the facts, it's just not important!

Perhaps, we are living in some type of devolution, as Were says; however, it's just not important to me. What's important to me is the simple economic issues…


Fix them and we start to fix a lot. Then, start dissolving a number of departments, which will fix some spending and the entitlement mindset, of the Federal Government. Once done, the social issues can be discussed.
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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TheStorm said:

^ If you are asking if I've "come around" to now believing that Joe Biden is someone else in a mask, or that Michelle Obama is really a man disguised as a woman - that answer is "no".

BTW Were... who else around here has actually agreed here with you on those two points of yours?

I'm not even sure that GP has copped wide open yet to that stance of yours (but maybe he has, and I just don't care enough to pay attention to such foolishness, when there are so many more important battles to focus on that are real).

I paid $3.86 / Gallon for mid-grade down here on the coast yesterday... that is something that we all should be pissed about that is actually real.
Thanks, just checking in. Get you on the record for sure. ;-)
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Yes, borrowing costs are now through the roof and federal and state tax revenues are down, something's gotta give.
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Cary, here's why it's important to come to terms with it.

Your govt, your media and all your institutions unison............create a false reality via deception and gaslighting.

That's why it's important! and a Well-Hung Michael is hard to deny.

Again: OUR govt, OUR media, Hollywood and all OUR institutions unison............create a false reality via deception and gaslighting.

#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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I'll add one more comment regarding, Fake Biden. It's actually not beneficial for the people to know that's a fake Biden destroying the country. Its best to think it Real Joe. Real Joe would be more subtle in taking down the country on behalf of the global cabal. The end result would be the same..........Fake Biden is more obvious to wake up people.

My reason for pointing out Fake Joe is to shake others into the reality that they've NOT paid adquate attention to our so-called Republic. We can actually watch this different guy parade around like an imbecile and still not come to terms with him being fake. a condition so as to not believe your lying eyes. America has been deceived for several generations........courtesy of essentially a CIA operation that began at its inception. Hollywood, I'm told, was created the same year or the year after. There are linked.

I put these things out knowing I'll get pushback. Its ok.......exposing people to this "idea" will help each person come to terms with the reality as it is slowly revealed.
#Devolution #Expand Your Thinking #Eye of The Storm #TheGreatAwakening
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Werewolf said:

Cary, here's why it's important to come to terms with it.

Your govt, your media and all your institutions unison............create a false reality via deception and gaslighting.

That's why it's important! and a Well-Hung Michael is hard to deny.

Again: OUR govt, OUR media, Hollywood and all OUR institutions unison............create a false reality via deception and gaslighting.
I certainly believe that we are being gaslit by the media and our government. Also, I believe Hollywood is a messed up group of people. That said, you and anyone else can chose to disassociate with any media or Hollywood.

What you can do, is disassociate with our government. The only way to curb their actions is through the power of the purse. So, in my opinion, you fix all this through a simple process...

On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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WASHINGTON, D.C. As evidence of bribery and corruption by the Biden family continues to mount, Democrat lawmakers in the nation's capital have expressed heavy skepticism, saying they will need a lot more than just eyewitnesses, financial records, audio and video recordings, and admissions of guilt from parties involved for them to believe any of it.

"Nah, I'm not buying it," said California Congressman Eric Swalwell. "If you're wanting me to believe President Biden and his family have been involved in a far-reaching money-for-favors scheme for years, you'll need to show me a lot more than rock-solid, irrefutable evidence. If the Biden family was corrupt, I think I would have heard about it from my Chinese spy girlfriend."

The Biden administration maintains absolute innocence, despite an ever-growing collection of evidence that would indicate otherwise. "The President and his family have done nothing wrong," said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who is a woman and also black and also gay. "It's completely normal for families to enrich themselves by selling political influence to foreign corporations and governments. Any assertion to the contrary is simply Republicans grasping at straws. Also, I will not be taking any more questions regarding bribery allegations."

As rumors swirled that additional audio recordings of President Biden accepting bribes may soon be released, Democrats continued to brush them off. "I see nothing wrong here," said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. "So he's on tape taking bribes. It's not like it proves he took bribes or something."

At publishing time, Republicans in Congress said they were waiting on several more truckloads of evidence before beginning impeachment proceedings.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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One of the funniest memes I've seen here on the Water Cooler!
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How much power of the purse have "we the people" experienced the last 2.5 years?

How much have we seen in our lifetimes?

We as modern Americans have no damn idea as no damn experience with a true Republic! U need to go back to Andrew Jackson days…..and yes blacks and Indians were wronged. The slave trace was run the the Rothschild crowd
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Werewolf said:

How much power of the purse have "we the people" experienced the last 2.5 years?

How much have we seen in our lifetimes?

We as modern Americans have no damn idea as no damn experience with a true Republic! U need to go back to Andrew Jackson days…..and yes blacks and Indians were wronged. The slave trace was run the the Rothschild crowd

Everyone that continues to vote for these spending bills should be booted. That said, when we continue to talk about things, other than economic issues, people lose sight of this issue. Most all Republicans speak about the social issues, and the people eat it up, and continue to vote for the same people.

People need to understand the debt, the Federal Reserve balance sheet, and how deficit spending hurts the economy. People use to complain when Regan left the debt at 250M. We can handle some debt; however, where we are is unsustainable!

I believe, all these other issues we discuss, are nothing more than to take our eye, off the ball. I also believe it's worked!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…

“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”

Joe Biden
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We've had a bureaucracy outside the confinements of the US Constitution since 1912-13. Look up Act of 1871 as we have been under the control of the Rothschild Corooration since then.

The US Constitution limits federal authority to specifically what is enumerated within its articles. We will soon be restored as a Republic. The work towards this end has been underway since 2017.
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Biden before the bill passed:

"The Inflation Reduction Act is the strongest bill you can pass. It will lower inflation, cut the deficit, reduce health care costs, tackle the climate crisis, and promote energy security," he said.


"I wish I hadn't called it that. It has less to do with reducing inflation than it does providing for alternatives that generate economic growth," Biden said
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Werewolf said:

How much power of the purse have "we the people" experienced the last 2.5 years?

How much have we seen in our lifetimes?

We as modern Americans have no damn idea as no damn experience with a true Republic! U need to go back to Andrew Jackson days…..and yes blacks and Indians were wronged. The slave trace was run the the Rothschild crowd
White people were wronged. We should never cede one inch to these communists who want to re-write history in order to demonize white/European peoples and Western/Christian values. These communist Leftists do not have the "moral high ground" on ANY issue. They are wrong about everything. There were many white slaves in America. And there were also free blacks, who owned slaves. And 99.5% of all white people in America are descended from people who never owned slaves in America. You are correct about jewish people running the slave trade. And jewish "white" people were a disproportionately high number of the slave owners in America.

As for the wars between white settlers and the native American Indians...most of those conflicts were started by warlike Indian tribes who had been "raiders" for centuries (warring with and raiding other Indian tribes long before European settlers arrived to America). The "official" narrative of "white Europeans are bad and stole all the land and genocided the Indians" is a 100% complete farce. The reality is that in many cases the European settlers purchased land from the Indians, and in other cases mostly settled on land that was not settled or claimed to be owned by any Indians. Then, conflicts and wars usually arose when the warlike Indian tribes conducted raids, killing European settlers.

If white people were so "evil", then they would have truly genocided all the indians...and not have left any of them alive...instead of granting them huge tracts of land/reservations. Now, of course there were wrongs done (eg, treaties broken) and atrocities committed on both sides. But it's not this one-sided slanted view where "white people are 100% wrong and evil and genocidal colonists".
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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Most whites had nothing to do with slavery……Rothschild's ran the slave trade business.

American Indians had their lands stolen and were sent to reservations on ****ty land.

I acknowledge both. I don't think my ancestors were involved. My 'many great grandmother was full blooded Indian ….her name, Flower.
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Isn't Mississippi where the Red Stick faction of the Creek Nation was established?
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TheStorm said:

Isn't Mississippi where the Red Stick faction of the Creek Nation was established?

If u r taking to me, she was the wife of Captain Robert Messer who lead the Regulators….a militia ….against the NC Governor and King of England in about 1771 ….in the Battle of Alamance. NC…..

Capt Messer and some of his men were captured by British forces. The Governor took Capt Messer's son Sergeant Christian into custody and directed Capt messer to seek and return with other escaped militia….or Chrisitan would be hanged. Capt retuned from search in Va without others ….and was hanged by the the Governor-King of England. Christian was released…see Hillsborough memorial for Regulators…..

Capt Rogert Messer and many others were resisting the tyranny of the British Crown ….leading up to 1776. Im very proud to call Capt Measer and wife Flower my great grandparents!
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Werewolf said:

Most whites had nothing to do with slavery……Rothschild's ran the slave trade business.

American Indians had their lands stolen and were sent to reservations on ****ty land.

I acknowledge both. I don't think my ancestors were involved. My 'many great grandmother was full blooded Indian ….her name, Flower.
"Stolen" after they had lost wars. Not truly stolen. That's the consequence of warfare. Many of the native American Indian tribes were extremely warlike, and "made a living" by raiding other peoples (ie, riding into a village and killing everyone and stealing their property, etc). Most often, it was these warlike tribes who initiated the conflicts/wars against the United States, by attacking settlers.

And these tribes were engaged in wars and raids and atrocities against other native american indian tribes long before the "evil white European" settlers arrived in the Americas. These various tribes were "stealing" the land from each other in the many centuries long before Europeans arrived.

The Comanches, for instance, had almost exterminated the Apaches. When the U.S. Government went to war against certain tribes, the United States often had an alliance with other native american tribes (who were the enemies of the tribe the U.S. was fighting), and would join the U.S. soldiers as allies in battle.
"Ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." - John 15:19
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I grew up in Alamance County and have been to the historic site several times over the years... down out NC Highway 62, just south of the Village of Alamance if I remember correctly...

Next time that I'm back that way I'll go check it out and see if I can find something there on your relative... will pass along if they have him on a memorial or plaque.
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So the guy that gave Hunter a sweetheart deal with an attempt to slide in immunity is now special counsel. Yep, that's sounds legit.

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