Civilized said:
I see Pubs are now scrambling from "Biden has dementia" to "Biden is drugged up"
What drug makes a dementia patient suddenly sound coherent, quick, and witty, again?
Between Biden being completely put together, MTG and other Trump mugshot-wearing loons looking like petty MAGA clowns, and the absolutely comedic freakshow Katie Britt SOTU response, there's a bunch of Republican election strategists ****ting their pants today.
I do believe Biden is on medications and has been for a while, but in the SOTU he did the same thing he has done the past year when reading from a teleprompter. Nothing different there. He still has his gaffs and his crazy yelling and whispering. I am not surprised he made it through the SOTU. That doesn't mean he is not in decline. Anyone who thinks Biden is not in cognitive decline and can run this country for another 4 years is willfully blind