Civilized said:
caryking said:
packofwolves said:
Poll numbers seem to indicate there are many more that regret their 2020 vote.
Does it make a difference? These people need to recognize the destruction a vote can create and be better. Trump was the boogie man and some bought into it and voted for the destruction we are seeing. For me, that's pathetic!!
Be careful of the Republican you may vote for in retaliation. So many of them talk a good game, then will sell out "OUR" country, to China. BTW, Dems do the same thing!
No, political parties need to "do better."
The last two elections have had two terrible sets of candidates.
Two consecutive elections yielded presidents that got elected because enough voters couldn't stomach voting for the other candidate.
Political parties are no different than non-profits, like the PGA, NCAA, ACC, and every other org like that (Chamber of Commerce). They care about one thing! The benefit of themselves!
Trump was despised by the Republican Party, and still is. He was an attack of their way of doing business. Sorry, Civ, when you recognize that the Trump way was the antithesis of the Republican way, then we can have a meaningful conversation. Trump was not perfect, by no means; however, he's the closet thing to it the Republicans can offer up…
Everyone else (probably with the exception of DeSantes, Noem, and a few others) are pawns to the Party! If a person says: China is an existential threat to our Country, Jobs, and security, and they have clear policies that help America, in opposing China, then they can get me ear. Otherwise, they are establishment types that are bringing down the country!
On the illegal or criminal immigrants…
“they built the country, the reason our economy is growing”
Joe Biden